I bought this truck as an adult hobby for myself. I figured I could have some fun customizing and upgrading it. First, lets talk about the truck itself.
The electric engine means it is very easy to maintain. Just charge and go. I have run my truck through the ringer. Hills, rocks, roads, kid chasing it, wheelies, flipping it over and banging against trees. This thing is extremely durable. After every couple runs I go through the make sure all the screws are tight but I have had no major problems and I run this truck hard. Once, my kid ran it into some concrete steps at full speed. This caused my left front shock cap to come off (not easily done). This truck it easy to work on and after reattaching the shock (a couple screws) we were back running again with no problem.
The Stampede does not offer as many customizable (hop-up) parts as the T-Maxx but it still have a good solution. Also, must hobby stores stock all the replacement parts if needed. It was a lot of fun to spray paint and create a custom body.
This truck goes about 30 MPH+. I had my wife drive down the street with me chasing her. I easily caught up with her (while doing a sweet wheelie).
I highly recommend purchasing a wheelie bar. This thing will stand up on its end very easily but with a wheelie bar you will have much more control and wont damage the rear of your truck. I also high recommend a custom front bumper. The little plastic one that come with the truck is fine but will not protect the truck if you really run into a tree at full speed. Again, this thing is very durable but for over $150+ it is worth it to protect your investment.
I run with 7.2 Venom 3000 batteries and get about 20 minutes of runtime with each one. I always charge at 2 amps.
Review By. Jarlaxle

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