I received the "stunt" or "static" phaser w/in a week of my order, in excellent condition. It is exactly as described by the vender and other customers' comments (NOTE: If you wish to see this or any other sci-fi products closer, get a detailed description, and explaination/demonstration of the product by other "collectors", look for it on You Tube).
The product comes in an attractive box, and is encased in form-fitting styrofoam, as is the stand. The phaser or "prop" has no moving parts (However, a "modified" version allowing you to spin the nozzle, or gun's barrel, from kill to stun, is also demonstrated on You Tube. Unfortunately the video does not show how modify it).
The phaser easily slips on the stand for presentation. The phaser itself looks great, and has some heft to it, weighing between 1.5 to 2 lbs and is adult-sized, about 7 - 8 inches long. It is coated completely in metal and nicely colored. It looks more expensive then it is, and therefore worth the price. Since it has no moving part and is encased in metal, it's very durable. However, I recommend displaying it in a bookself or curio cabinet, simply because this looks like it should by displayed.
Finally, these manufactures are beginning to produce sci-fi collector's items for "adults" at a reasonable price. Thank you Quantum Mechanix
Review By. David Godfrey

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