I've had my Ember 2 for a few months now and have been anxious to try an aileron plane. Enter the Parkzone Ultra Micro P51. Now, I knew it wasn't going to fly quite like the Ember - being almost 2X heavier and having a smaller wing area to boot. Well, I was correct. This plane will zip like a rocket and climb at near 45 degree angle until it's merely a dot in the sky in no time. I tried to fly it in my back yard - which is about 3/4 acre - and there was simply no way for me - at my current skill level - to keep it in bounds. Later in the day, I took it to a 10 acre open field and really put it through its paces. Mind you, this is my first aileron plane, and my first aileron flights. I had no problem doing basic turns, dives, stalls, rolls, etc - with sufficient altitude for safety. Not a single time. Closest I came to a mishap was when I got it at the far end of the field, with the sun in my eyes, and lost orientation for a bit. The best way to learn is indeed "2 or 3 mistakes high." From the reviews I've seen, this is the micro to get once you're ready to step up to ailerons - NOT the Sukhoi! - and I can't disagree. Not
Review By. A. Coates

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