Can withstand a lot. Great helicopter, Got a 7.4v 2100 mAp battery on eb*& with a jst connector. Now it stays up for 15 min. plus Trial and error. Good thing these are REALLY DURABLE!!!!!
Mine has crashed where I cringed, and walked up to it, expecting to see it destroyed.
But I just put it back on the ground, and off he kept flying like a champ.
It's nice to know they are REALLY crash friendly. Not that I recommend that.
Fly in 0 mph to 2 wind and buy a tiny HD video camera, mount it close to the front. 19.99 on Amazon. This Helicopter can go really high without cutting out. Get some great HD footage.
Also, buy a new bigger battery and stay out awhile. You might have to do some soldering, unless you can get a battery with a jst connector. I found one on E b$# It's really easy to pop the hood off, switch batteries, and pop the hood back on. Fly up to your neighbor and say hi. It keeps you looking up into the sky, where you never know what you might see.
Just got a new tail motor online. For a syma SO33. The bigger of the two they make. They make two different S033's (One 11.1 v GREAT! The other 7.4v week) Put it in this, now it hauls azz. Cut the wires and spliced them. Got a tail blade from a 9104. Modified the tail holder so the motor fits (cut out the bottom). Has a lot more power. After all the hundreds of dollars I have spent, THIS ONE, and his brother with the bigger battery 7.4v 2200 mAp are my favorite ones. They both fly great in a 2 plus mph wind.
Review By. Jon Reed
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