The product arrived on time. The packaging is very cheap, but the product was in decent shape. My son and I went through 3 PX-16's, all with different defective issues. We chose this boat as the replacement. The boat has two slightly smaller motors, but do not overheat because of a fan set up where the motor attaches to the prop shaft. The product comes without the stickers attached, which is a plus becasue you can choose the ones you want and can actually put them on correctly. The antenna for the remote is hidden behind a piece of paper taped to the styrofoam in the box. Overall, the boat is great so far. Plenty of speed for a 10 year old and I have to admit that it has his father hooked on getting a brushless boat setup later on down the road. The battery included is not very good. I purchased an Amazon.com combo back that included 2 Tenergy 7.2V 3800MA batteries and a 2 hour charger (use the Tamiya connectors). In my opinion this purchase is a necessity so that you and your child can enjoy the boat. We get approximately 20 min of solid (good speed) run time per battery. After a 10 min cooldown for the motors and quick clean up of minimal water that gets inside, we pop in the other battery and go again. By the time we drain the second battery the first is almost charged up. The price on the combo charger is almost the price of the boat, but well worth it and can be used on other batteries. The boat handles well in the water with a fairly decent turning radius. The dual props create an impressive rooster tail and speed is impressive for its price. I wire tied the wiring to each motor to clean up the inside of the boat and this makes it easier to replace the battery.
Review By. Daniel A. Lazzari III

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