I've seen my share of wheeled toys, and was positively impressed with the quality of this product. It has a solid frame, suspension, regular inflated tires. I'm not afraid that after a few days of use it will break, given the rough use it will get of kids at that age. I took it for a short test drive myself, and the motor was strong enough to move and adult uphill.
The shipping takes a bit longer and you have to be home to receive it. But it takes 2 people to lift the crate it comes in, so home delivery is worth the convenience.
I think the only design change I'd like to see is a reverse mode. The motor control only allows forward, which if you have to turn-around in a tight space can be tricky. But that's a minor issue overall.
Update (5/28): This ATV has seen a lot of use in the last few weeks, including many sliding wheel stunts, etc. After one particularly heavy right it stopped working with a blown fuse and control box. The one thing which is quite helpful is that Razor will actually sell repair parts for reasonable prices on their website, more than can be said about many other products. So if it does break, it's not necessarily doomed for the trash pile.
Review By. Jan Klier

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