When I was first assigned to Dino Defense HQ, I knew I'd be in for a long tour of duty. I'd seen it all in the past, adventuring with Clutch Powers, pirating on the Imperial Flagship chasing Captain Brickbeard, even some time in the "Imperial Navy," but that was a long time ago. Now I'm at Dino Defense HQ, with a vaguely defined mission to protect the base at all costs against the dinosaur horde. The tools at my disposal? A helicopter, an all-terrain vehicle with a tranquilizer gun, and a whole lotta guts. When I was asked to come defend Dino HQ, I was told the builders spared no expense. The people who built this place to contain the T-Rex must have thought a gate about half her height would do, but I'm here to tell you, she needs a bigger cage. This cage might keep Coelophysis contained, but not Raptor. You can tell when you look at the Raptor, she's working things out, trying to figure a way to escape.
Good thing we have a helicopter. When trying to keep these beasts contained, it's good to have some real firepower. Two tranquilizer darts ought to do. Use those tranq darts to lure the T-Rex to the front gate, signal the boys to get the net ready, and bingo, you've bagged a dinosaur. Every day, dinos escape and we repeat the process. Over and over again. A guy could go crazy out here, only 1 female minifig, no tv, nothing. I might just have to get in the helicopter and return to Lego City. This job just don't pay enough.
Review By. Robert P.

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