jeeeezzzzz, i am about MAYBE a third of the way done as of right now, so i can't say how it is going to turn out when done. I just wanted to say it is a really nice lego set to add to my model collection.
there are a TON of tiny pieces here. it could have been cut down to half as many overall if lego had made special pieces for it. of course, then, it wouldn't look like a masonary bridge
you get almost every color lego makes: black, two shades of greay, brown, two shades of blue, biege, and even some red, yellow, and a couple green pieces.
there are THREE books (yeah three) and they are very detailed. not to worry that you will put something where it doesn't belong (the brown on brown imperial flag ship comes to mind. but i still love that one).
when complete there are two cars a truck and a double decker bus to drive across. i googled "london tower brdge" to get a look at what it REALLY looks like and it is very close. a lot of great facts about the bridge out there to
Build and have fun
3/30/11 FINISHED
ok, some of the downsides.
the towers are hollow. kinda sad. i wish it looked like the real bridge from the inside too
some of the window frames don't have windows
i am MISSING two pieces. fortunately, the 1-800 customer servise number brings you to very nice and VERY halpful lego reps that will send you any and all pieces missing from any set. i have now used hem three times
Review By. BrotherSpider "Spider"

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