watching your child lose their mind playing with it will be worth it.
The directions are marginal at best and would benefit greatly from some written directions and labeling the bags and parts. I am very experienced at building RC cars and helicopters and I had to keep referring to the drawings to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong.
The rear stabilizer (under the excavator seat) could be sturdier and easier to deploy, but neither seem to be a problem for our son who is going on three. It would be nice if the locks for the front end loader portion could be engaged with one hand, but it doesn't seem to take away from his enjoyment.
I do recommend this product, just make sure you have enough room to store it and patience to assemble it. (hint: some of the stickers are large and very thin in order to make the curves, spray a little mild detergent diluted with water to make positioning them easier)
Review By. KernelHappy

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