Revell 1:48 B29 Superfortress

I was with my dad one day in a hobby shop and came across this B-29 model. We were stunned to find that it was "Cream of the Crop." My dad was shot down by a MiG-15 in that plane on October 22nd of 1951 and after limping along for as long as possible, the crew ultimately bailed out over the Yellow Sea (and was obviously rescued). He recalled that when he jumped from the plane he couldn't remember the word "Geronimo" and so he yelled "YIPEE!" He shared how he watched the plane roll over and toward the sea after everyone bailed out. He said the plane was in horrible shape with huge holes in the fuselage and parts of the wing and vertical stabilizer missing - he said it was an amazing plane and unbelievable that it stayed aloft as long as it did... Thought you might like to know a little about its history. As you might imagine, we purchased the model. :-)

Review By.  A proud son


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