I have been into hobby-grade rc vehicles for about a year and this is
actually my first electric rc I usually run nitros. However this rc is
one of the best I have ever run not as fast as my nitro's but it is
still stock. I have already bought another more powerful battery for it
and a speed charger because 5 hours is too long to wait for a charge.
Very durable I can hit curb after curb after curb and just a couple of
scratches in the thick plastic. However it is not water proof do not try
it. But the parts are extremely well made the hobby shop that I bought
it from said that a guy who bought one there put a 100 dollar
Lithium-Polymer battery, very powerful very long lasting for those of
you who don't know, and didn't blow the stock engine or transmission.
It is priced nicely and will stand up to most any beating you give it.
Also while running it into your leg isn't recommended other cars will
hurt a lot more I didn't even bruise from this one. If you are looking
for an affordable, durable, quick, and all around fun to drive rc I'd
give this Circuit a second look.
Review By.
Ryan Stabell
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