I am a mother of 1 eight year old girl, however, I bought this primarly for meself. I design and make beaded jewelry and thought this would be a great addition to the jewelry I currently do. Of course I have incorportated my own beads (not include with the kit). And have been glued since. I have come to know the Crorey pruducts and love this everytime I use it and see my daughter enjoy it. It took some time, but My daughter has now joined in the fun and has made a few. For younger kids, have them start off with regular red heart yarn to practice there knots...trust me they will pick it up soon enough, so don't give up on them they just need a little incurragement and some practice and they will be off creating in no time. If they put it down for awhile, let them, just means there not quite ready yet, but they will be but at there own pace. Plus each child is different, my daughter who was 7 at the time would try and then put down, now she's 8 and has made several. I have checked out the other simular things for making bracelets, and well, this one is far more easier than trying to figure out a wheel version. I have also posted a few of my own pictures (3)to show the different patterns that can be made. You can get the patterns on there website which is also printable. I've heard several cons to that there should be a book with the pattens, well thats what internet is for, most people if not all this day and age has it. Besides, they are constantly adding new patterns as this would be hard to keep up in a book, which is why they have made it easy to obtain them through there website. And I will say this, there instructions are far mor easier then those on other sites...trust me I've been there and tried to know!!. A 2 thumbs up for me, would go more but only came with the two. Hope this has helped
Review By. Carrie Mcmahon "Carries-CMDesigns"

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