I searched a long time to find a quality beginners sewing kit for my 6 year old granddaughter and finally found this one. I am happy to have purchased Alex Toys "My First Sewing Kit", as it contains EVERYTHING needed to create projects, start to finish, giving a child confidence to go the next step in a knowledge and gift she will take with her the rest of her life--sewing! Included are: Patterns for small animals, stuffing, colorful embroidery thread, needles, pins, pin cushion, buttons, measuring tape and scissors (though I read reviews about them being the only poor-quality item, so I bought the Metro 5-pc scissor pkg through Amazon--Excellent!). All of these sewing tools are housed in a sturdy, colorful and roomy case with a handle, keeping all items and projects organized in one spot.
Upon opening this sewing kit at her birthday party, my granddaughter forgot everything else and wanted to start a sewing project! I'd say this is my proof of recommendation of this terrific product!
Review By. Debra Taplin "Tinker"

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