I LOVE this shrinky dink kit. I have purchased/am purchasing it for every girls' birthday this year. My 5-yr old really likes to color the patterns in and then watch them shrink in the oven. I also like the accompanying supplies to make necklaces, barrettes, keychains, gift tags, etc. It's a great value for the price. If you have a child that enjoys arts and crafts, put this at the top of your list. All gift recipients (5 yr olds) have told me that it is their favorite thing to make.
One thing that I must stress is follow the instructions EXACTLY! Preheat your cookie sheet in the oven. Use babypowder on the foil. Watch the shrink dinks shrink. Do not use a toaster oven; you will not get the best results. I know this as a friend of mine used a toaster oven and didn't follow the rest of the instructions - the shrinky dinks didn't turn out very well.
Review By. Denali

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