While this sea turtle is nice; the original turtle is much better: The original: 1) has more stars/constellations to really turn the ceiling into a night sky; 2) it offers 3 color displays (blue, green and orange); the sea turtle CLAIMS to offer 3 colors, but it actually is only 2 and the "third" color comes when you press both the green and blue on at the SAME TIME, thus creating a "blue green" turtle shell. Further, when you do this, TWO displays are cast onto the ceiling (one green and one blue; NOT one blue-green display), it is very weird to see 2 moons and 2 sets of identical stars on the ceiling; and 3) on the original when you press each of the color buttons, the other color will automatically turn off, on the sea turtle if you don't turn off a color, you get that weird double display I was talking about.
Also, as a note, the endangered animals on the turtle only light up ON the turtle's shell NOT get cast onto the wall or ceiling.
If you are considering this, I absolutely would recommend the original turtle instead. Both my sons (2 and 4) LOVE LOVE LOVE it (and their friends all do, too, when they come over). They love to play with it and they love to fall asleep to it.
Review By 3 Dudes and a Mom

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