This toy is a lot of fun. Children young and old are quite familiar with Angry Birds on their smartphone, tablet, or whatever else. This is a great way to have your kids take a break from the technology and actually interact and play with their hands, instead of just their fingertips on a screen.
The concept is relatively simple of pulling cards of different set-ups to build and then launching the Angry Birds at the structure.
Parents might need to step-in to help little kiddos assemble the structures or provide some guidance on how to work the catapult. Assembling the structure exactly to the picture on the cards takes some doing, but it's not impossible. It's pretty difficult to hit anything with the catapult, but it's fun to try and try again. If you're actually trying to win, it might be good to bend the rules to allow enough tries to hit something, particularly if you have young children. For us, we take turns building it, while the other keeps trying until it gets knocked down. Simple.
Review By
G. Morishige
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